The KDCCI was established to deliver a unique range of services and representation to the Karratha business community. Managed by a diverse board of active local businesspeople, who meet once a month to represent our membership base, and run by a team of four dedicated and experienced business specialists, we provide services to all sizes of business and help to connect our 400+ strong member-base, which includes: multi national mining and resource companies, government agencies, community service organisations and small to medium-sized enterprise. We are a part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, and a founding member of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, where regional chambers from across the state work together and share information and resources to build a stronger business network in regional WA.
No matter the size of your business, you will benefit greatly from the work of our team and board members when you become a KDCCI member.
Our sponsors
Our Sponsors are a vital part of keeping the KDCCI operational and delivering excellent services!
We are proud to be supported by a diverse range of businesses operating in the Pilbara, who share our goals to:
– Provide a collective voice that represents the needs of local businesses
– Establish a vibrant networking community encouraging a collaborative and diverse local business sector
– Facilitate partnerships and financial opportunities between Government/Industry and the local business community to enhance local business growth
– Empower economic resilience and sustainability to encourage a stable and prosperous business sector
If you are a business or organisation in the position to support the KDCCI – please contact us to find out more about Sponsorship opportunities!
The details
For more about who we are, what we do, and the terms we abide by
Click Here
Find out what we achieved in the last FY, and this year’s plans
Click Here
For the latest activities, agendas and board decisions
Click Here
our team and board at work!


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