Grow Local is dedicated to recording information to help guide your business

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there are many online workshops and seminars being held by various support organisations. But you may find that you’re unable to take advantage of these at the time they are held – our Grow Local team have been attending these and summarising the information presented, as well as obtaining links to online recordings, so that you won’t miss out on this information when you need it. See the online resources below for more details.

If you want a consultation with a Grow Local advisor on the assistance available for your business, including grants/financial assistance available, please contact

Please find a recording of the Business Continuation through a Crisis webinar delivered Monday 6 April at:



Please find a recording of the Writing a Media Plan webinar delivered Friday 3 April at:



Please find a recording of the Strengthen your Business Through Efficiency webinar delivered Thursday 2 April at:



Please find a recording of the Strengthen your Building Customer Trust webinar delivered Thursday 2 April at:


Please find a recording of the Business Continuation through a Crisis webinar delivered Monday 6 April at:



Please find a recording of the Writing a Media Plan webinar delivered Friday 3 April at:



Please find a recording of the Strengthen your Business Through Efficiency webinar delivered Thursday 2 April at:



Please find a recording of the Strengthen your Building Customer Trust webinar delivered Thursday 2 April at:
